Группа English speaking club

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Комментарии (327)

00:19 10.02.24
sup evereone
04:53 20.12.23
Все имена уже заняты, actually, I know that one. Though, for my taste it's kind of okayish. Can't remember myself buying it more than twice. Jar of bitter green tea is a bit over head xD
Eisenbach, if you also like Sprite, try finding a soda called LaimonFresh, it's pretty good
the best drink is solid 2-3 liters of extra bitter green tea, people
22:09 11.12.23
For my taste, it's actually far better to drink warm/hot Glintwein outdoors.
18:11 11.12.23
I love Glintwein. I can’t wait for a snow, that a perfect weather for the drink. When it’s cold outside and everything is white, but you are inside in the warm room with a glass of warm glintwein.
12:55 11.12.23
Mulled wein is pretty solid choice. I think it's called Glintwein or something like that. Cider is also lovely. Though, soda is my favorite. Cola, fanta etc..
02:38 11.12.23
What other drinks you guys like?
02:38 11.12.23
Risenbach thank you for the new drink to try. I’m meeting my friend this week, maybe we will find a bar which will serve it
21:24 10.12.23
Eisenbach, thank you for honestly answer. It all makes sense now.
16:27 10.12.23
Домовой_, I do it for money :D I mean, yeah, eng gives one access to broader amount of content.
16:26 10.12.23
Кащей, basically apple juice soda. Usually around 0.8% alcohol, I think. It's not wide popular. Not within ru-speaking countries at least.
14:02 10.12.23
let's have tea)
14:02 10.12.23
well, nobody here...
13:58 10.12.23
Eisenbach, manga, comics, music, books. so you?
13:57 10.12.23
эта хикка хочет жить, yes, we can. but not quite often.
13:55 10.12.23
Кащей, completely agree with you)
07:43 10.12.23
Eisebach, what are the ingredients of Apfelschorle drink? I never heard about this beverage before
14:48 07.12.23
эта хикка хочет жить, darn, I went through "I haven't big plans" several times trying to figure out what's wrong with it. It appears you should say "I don't have plans" rather than "I haven't plans".
14:29 07.12.23
Fair enough. So, what are you up to? Video-games, youtube, comics? Like, what do you use it for?
Eisenbach, yeah. I haven’t big plans with Eng, only practice.
11:19 07.12.23
I mean, that's the entire purpose of this "chat", right? (:
Heyyy, can I talk with you?
02:06 06.12.23
Well, you certainly should give a try to Apfelschorle then :D It's nothing fancy yet lovely. Regarding the preferences, one can drink a lot of tea but not coffee. So, maybe that's your thing :)
01:12 06.12.23
Eisenbach, where are from, I’m wondering where beer is so popular) I was always a coffee drinker, but recently I discovered that I prefer tea. From alcohol I like to drink wine or fruit beer, something sweet)
16:30 05.12.23
It is more common to drink beer here than tea. I was wondering if the difference is too significant. Internet nowadays is rather silent in terms of individual conversations.
23:03 04.12.23
Well, since we trying to figure out time zone based on the tea, we need to know when we drink it, I prefer a cup of tea in the evening. Currently is past lunch time)
11:20 03.12.23
Eisenbach, the timezone difference is present... perhaps, i mean.
11:17 03.12.23
Кащей, no odds)
20:53 01.12.23
Nope, but we have time for tea here too :D I was asking just to check the timezone difference.
05:32 29.11.23
Домовой_, are you from England? I know they always have time for tea)
14:46 23.11.23
Eisenbach, it's time to have tea. always time to have tea there) how are u?
14:22 22.11.23
Sup! What time is it?
12:20 22.11.23
Eisenbach, may be yes, may be no... hi!)
14:32 21.11.23
Leaving a comment in an inactive group. Why not, right? :)
Аватар English speaking club
Участники 76 человек
Руководство группы
Создано 02.11.18

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