2024-08-26T18:07:48.783Z [INFO] [ '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.readmangareader/cache/logs/com.readmangareader-latest.log',
'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.readmangareader/cache/logs/com.readmangareader-2024-08-20.0.log' ]
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2024-08-26T18:07:48.798Z [INFO] 'get catalog', 'https://rm.input.monster//api/catalog/search', {}
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2024-08-26T18:07:55.170Z [INFO] 'get catalog', 'https://dr.input.monster//api/catalog/search', {}
2024-08-26T18:08:24.261Z [INFO] { success: true }